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رسالة الحقوق بدون نت

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About رسالة الحقوق بدون نت

The application of the message of rights of Imam Zain al-Abidin, peace be upon him, without the net includes the following messages:
* God's rights:
1. God's greatest right
2. Right of self
3. Right tongue
4. The right of hearing
5. Right of sight
6. The right of the two men
7. Right hand
8. Right belly
9. The right of vulva

* Rights of actions:
10. The right to pray
11. The right to fast
12. The right of Hajj
13. The right of charity
14. The right of sacrifice

* Rights of the Imams:
15. The right of your driver to power
16. The right of your driver to know
17. The caretaker has the right to the king

Parish rights:
18. The right of the parishioners to the authority
19. The right of the parish
20. The wife's right
21. The right of a parish to have an oath

* Rights of the womb:
22. The right of the mother
23. The right of the father
24. The right of the child
25. Right brother

* Rights of others:
26. The right of the donor over his master
27. The right of the Lord is thy grace upon him
28. The right of someone who is well-known
29. The right of the muezzin
30. The right of the imam to pray
31. The right of the companion
32. The right of the neighbor
33. The right of the owner
34. The right of the partner
35. Right to money
36. The right of the student adversary
37. The right of the mixture
38. Right to deduct
The right of the litigant opponent against you
The right of the defendant's opponent
39. The right of the consultant
40. The right of the marshal
41. The right of the advisor
42. Right of counselor
43. The right of the great
44. Little right
45. The right of the questioner
46. ​​The right of the administrator
47. The truth of the one who pleased God with him and on his hands
48. The right of the offended person has the right to destroy his hands by word or deed
49. The right of your family in general
50. The right of the dhimmis

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