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AYK Yapı Kimyasalları

Kemal Duran
100+ downloads

About AYK Yapı Kimyasalları

This application AYKA Construction Chemicals and contains all information of the product.

As AYKA, construction chemicals and adhesives, providing solutions in the industry, which is a strict follower of today's technology and stop wasting strong efforts to deliver excellence to our valued customers, innovative and experienced companies. Construction chemicals and industrial adhesives producing our company need workers, we gathered under a conscious structure both in terms of partners, we show our customers respect the legal requirements and dependencies we show to standard, we guarantee the loyalty we show to the world and our natural resources.

With AYKA application you will find information about the following topics:

★ floor coverings, facades and exterior thermal insulation applications, nearly 200 are used in all areas of the floor covering product information

★ AYKA branches throughout Turkey,

★ on the product data sheet, material safety data sheet, TSE certificates,

★ price lists and catalogs,

★ studies can be shown as a reference,

★ photos and promotional film

★ AYKA contact information.

AYK Yapı Kimyasalları Screenshots