Interpretation of the Holy Quran - Part 30 - Surah Al-Borouj Order of Sura in the Mus-haf (85) Number of verses (22)
To select the words to display the explanation and the font size and type Select (Settings)
Press the << button to hear the verses and explain the text.
The number of verses from the sura is displayed.
To repeat the recitation press {<<} again and to stop press (||).
It starts automatically after pressing the OK button.
To close the program press (X)
To select the words to display the explanation and the font size and type Select (Settings)
Press the << button to hear the verses and explain the text.
The number of verses from the sura is displayed.
To repeat the recitation press {<<} again and to stop press (||).
It starts automatically after pressing the OK button.
To close the program press (X)
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