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Ayurved | Hindi Ayurvedic Heal

Dr. Avantika Thakur
1,000+ downloads

About Ayurved | Hindi Ayurvedic Heal

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when the diet is correct, medicine is of no need.

Ayurveda believes that health is a unique balance between mind, body, and soul. Healthy diet and lifestyle habits help to maintain this balance. Ayurvigyanam app is an attempt to bring the knowledge of Ayurveda to the masses and help them to enrich their lives with ways of Ayurvedic Living.

Key features

Body Type
According to Ayurveda, the body is a composition of five-element space🌌, air💨, fire🔥, water💦, and earth🌎. These five elements combine to form three dosha (energies) of the body, namely - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The dominance of specific dosha inside the body denotes your Prakriti (body type). Ayurvigyanam app provides a quiz through which you can know about your body type - a.k.a. Prakriti.

Ayurveda is a holistic science that outlines a healthy diet and lifestyle to harmonize with nature. The wisdom of Ayurvedic lifestyle is the high-powered approach towards healthy well-being. Ayurvedic lifestyle is a no-complicated way to spend your day with regimes like – waking up, sleeping, working, eating, and drinking. Old sages have explained day regimens (dinacharya), night regimens (ratricharya), and seasonal regimens (ritucharya) to sustain a healthy life. Following Ayurvedic regimens helps to keep your circadian rhythm in harmony. Ayurvigyanam app gives you the knowledge about these regimens and encourages you to follow them by setting reminders in the Habit section.

Ayurveda beautifully explains that each food substance has a different emphasis on the body. Each food substance has a specific action on the body, depending upon their properties. Ayurveda provides simple yet dynamic rules about diet and lifestyle. The specialty of the Ayurvedic diet is that it focuses on eating according to body type. Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle help to prevent various health problems. This app offers you an appropriate choice of diet and lifestyle habits for healthy living. There is a section of healthy recipes and a list of favorable and unfavorable food items for you according to your body type.

Home Remedies
Ayurvedic home remedies help to maintain health and heal some minor health-related problems. Observe your imbalances and heal the symptoms with simple home remedies before they get aggravated. Home remedies are to familiarize you with the natural methods for the self-healing of mind and body. Home remedies may reduce some symptoms, but they can not cure any disease of its root. Every disease needs proper diagnosis and treatment, which require consultation with the doctor.

For any type of feedback or query, you can contact us at ayurvigyanam@gmail.com
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We hope this app will bring functional changes in your life and take you towards a natural way of healthy living. Begin your incredible adventure towards a healthy life with Ayurvigyanam app.

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