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NATURA 純天然 真健康

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About NATURA 純天然 真健康

“Natura”源自于翠綠芬芳, 富饒浪漫的義大利威尼托山谷, 經歷了幾十載傳統天然護膚品和番梘的生產製造, 于2010年代開始拓展業務至純天然化妝品, 有機護膚品, 和健康營養產品領域。 在法國, 義大利, 德國以及多個歐洲實驗室的協助下,“Natura”一直專注于由醫學專家主導的, 可以滿足醫學和美容合併需求的天然護膚, 藥物治療, 醫學美容, 有機營養以及婦科等多個領域。
“Natura”在進軍亞洲市場的同時, 也根據亞洲客戶人群的生理特點選擇並研發了多種適合亞洲人群的天然醫美保健產品。 這些產品都嚴格挑選並出自于日本以及臺灣的GMC和有機生物醫藥公司。
“Natura”所代表的是一種堅持的熱忱: 在生活的每一天和每一個角落, 都隨處可見的純天然健康產品, 與充滿創新和進步的激情。
“Natura”的使命是: 向全世界消費者提供由專業研究人員研製的,有科學保障的,純天然的, 有效的, 和絕對安全的美容健康產品。
“Natura” has decades of history originated from the gorgeous Region Veneto in Italy, it stands for an existence of passion : the passion of nature, which manages to surprise us at every turn and in every season with the contrasting landscapes, and the fervour of every day with pride in innovation and progress.
“Natura” started its global expansion since 2010’s and contributed enormous studies to improve the products and technology of natural cosmetics, skin care and healthy supplements. With laboratories in Italy, Germany, France and other European locations, “Natura” committed to identifying medical specialists’ primary needs, and satisfies the latter with integrated approach in the fields of pharmacy, dermatology, nutrition, dermocosmetics and gynaecology.
“Natura” collected also the best natural products from Asia, to provide the enthusiastic care to people of Asia with local concept. Selected products are introduced from GMC and Biopharma companies from Japan and Taiwan.
Natura’s objective is excellence supported by scientific rigour and aimed at guaranteeing natural, effective and safe products designed by research professionals.

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