baby sleep
it works even if everything else failed . proven by 13.649.
but first , forget all the yhings you have been told about your baby's sleep in the past
Sleep training tips
Does your baby need to be rocked to sleep by you — or wake up in the middle of the night demanding a breast, bottle or cuddle before drifting back to sleep? If your little one is at least 4 months old, it may be time to start sleep training.
baby sleep training
How to Sleep Train Your Baby:
While it may involve some tears, sleep training isn’t harmful to babies, who often learn to be super sleepers in just a few nights.
baby sleep-training methods
1. Check and console (also known as the Ferber method, graduated extinction, progressive waiting or the interval method)
2. Extinction, or cry it out (CIO)
3. Chair method
4. Pick up, put down and shush-pat
5. Bedtime-routine fading
6. Bedtime-hour fading
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