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Kings Cup Drinking Game

Bad Developer Games
10,000+ downloads

About Kings Cup Drinking Game

Approaching Friday, you already have alcohol and a few friends? Are you looking for ways to diversify the evening?
That's easy! I present you Kings Cup - fantastic drinking game that will tickle you to tears!
What do you need? At least two people, a positive attitude, cup, and most importantly - alcohol. A lot of alcohol!
The rules are extremely simple and intuitive, allowing you to play right after you turn on the Kings Cup!

The game is played in accordance with the clockwise direction. A person starting the game draws a card. Each card corresponds to another special rule to which you have to adapt. After completing the task the next player starts. The game continues until all the cards are off the table, or all players lose a challenge with an alcoholic opponent.

When the special rule text at the top of the screen will be not clear for you the only thing you have to do is press on it. You will see a window with a clear explanation of the rule.

The game has no ads, nothing will interfere with gameplay - so you can fully enojoy the Kings Cup!

Who will be the best? Who will survive to the end of the game and who will fall in the middle? Find out now and download the Kings Cup!


Some of our graphics were designed by Freepik

Kings Cup Drinking Game Screenshots