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AKOM Sumbawa

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About AKOM Sumbawa

The Olat Maras Academy (AKOM) in Sumbawa Regency is a vocational education institution
which is under the auspices of the Dea Mas Foundation, West Nusa Tenggara Province which is located at
Olat Maras Street, Batu Alang, Sumbawa Besar Regency. Dea Mas Foundation, Nusa Province
West Southeast was founded on May 4, 2012 which was later approved by the Minister
Law and Human Rights on April 1, 2012 with No. SK. AHU-3799.AH. Based on SK
MENRISTEKDIKTI RI NO. 201 / KPT / I / 2016 on June 9, 2016, AKOM officially became
legal educational institutions. The establishment of AKOM was based on local wisdom in the island area
Sumbawa and is supported by the West Nusa Tenggara provincial government, government
Sumbawa Besar regency, and the Sumbawa Besar district DPRD. Olat Maras Academy
Sumbawa Regency is an educational institution that runs the program
heavy equipment science education that must be taken by students for one year (D1).
During the practice or implementation of education, the Regency Olat Maras Academy
Sumbawa upholds the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in planning,
developing, advancing education in accordance with the vision and mission of the Olat Academy
Maras Sumbawa Regency.

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