PEMDES SINDANG SARI Android is an android-based village information system application. This application is a supporting application for the web-based village information system application launched by PEMDES SINDANG SARI is a village governance platform that offers a number of services such as administration, population, public services, budgeting, and various other services.
Digital Desa, which is abbreviated as PEMDES SINDANG SARI, is a brand with integrated information and communication technology utilization services for public services and accelerating economic development. We are currently focusing on three aspects of service for village government institutions. The three aspects of the service are increasing the speed of work, improving the quality of data and services, and at the same time increasing the dissemination of information to the public.
Pemdes SINDANG SARI itself has 4 main solutions for the needs of village management information systems:
1. Village Administration
A village administration information system that helps in managing village information that can be used independently and easily by village officials. Useful for supporting village office functions and duties, including population administration, budget management, and so on.
2. Village Service
This system consists of a population information system and village correspondence. Facilitate the community in administrative services, including population administration, marriage administration, land and so on.
3. Village Report
A modern report page service that contains a village website profile, village natural products, mainstay products, and your village tourism.
4. Android Apps
Unlimited services in the hands of residents with an Android application that contains news, a marketplace (online market) and exclusive letter requests for villagers.
The advantages of the village information system application from
- Manage population data in a smart, fast, precise and integrated way.
- Administrative services become faster and more efficient with accurate data support.
- The speed of processing data reporting and administration in real time.
- Use of cloud technology for easy access and data security.
Digital Desa, which is abbreviated as PEMDES SINDANG SARI, is a brand with integrated information and communication technology utilization services for public services and accelerating economic development. We are currently focusing on three aspects of service for village government institutions. The three aspects of the service are increasing the speed of work, improving the quality of data and services, and at the same time increasing the dissemination of information to the public.
Pemdes SINDANG SARI itself has 4 main solutions for the needs of village management information systems:
1. Village Administration
A village administration information system that helps in managing village information that can be used independently and easily by village officials. Useful for supporting village office functions and duties, including population administration, budget management, and so on.
2. Village Service
This system consists of a population information system and village correspondence. Facilitate the community in administrative services, including population administration, marriage administration, land and so on.
3. Village Report
A modern report page service that contains a village website profile, village natural products, mainstay products, and your village tourism.
4. Android Apps
Unlimited services in the hands of residents with an Android application that contains news, a marketplace (online market) and exclusive letter requests for villagers.
The advantages of the village information system application from
- Manage population data in a smart, fast, precise and integrated way.
- Administrative services become faster and more efficient with accurate data support.
- The speed of processing data reporting and administration in real time.
- Use of cloud technology for easy access and data security.
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