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TPV Móvil Sabadell Phone

Banco de Sabadell, S.A.
50,000+ downloads

About TPV Móvil Sabadell Phone

Do you want to make charges to your phone like a POS? With Mobile POS app Banco Sabadell you can make charges with a Smartphone and Pinpad BlueTooth or USB, safely.

What allows you to TPV Banco Sabadell Mobile?
- Making charges to chip cards (EMV) or magnetic stripe, also in foreign currencies (Dynamic Currency Conversion).
- Make returns (total or partial).
- Consult the list of sales and returns made.
- Create your own product catalog with pictures.
- Send proof of purchase by email to your customers.

Like our app? Give your suggestions to @BancoSabadell or call 902 323 000. We help to improve.

TPV Móvil Sabadell Phone Screenshots