SMART PRESENSI - Barito Kuala Regency - Local
This APK is specifically for accessing through the local intranet network in Kab. Batola, which is the hope that by using this APK, it can optimize the resources of the existing intranet local network
An online presence system that can be done by each employee using a mobile phone Via GPS, QR Code & Capture your photos & offices,
Application Features:
1. Absent & UB / SKJ: This feature is used when employees want to record daily attendance and attendance at UB / SKJ activities,
2. Other Permits: This feature is used for Online Service, Permit, Sick and Leave applications,
3. Report: This feature contains a report on his attendance and other permits that can be reviewed directly using the mobile phone by each employee,
4. Endorsement: This feature is used by employees to conduct Endorsement / Approval / Remainder online using the mobile phones of each employee.
QR CODE: This feature is used for employees who do not have a cellphone, where with this feature the presence can still be done by using a QR Code scan that is done by a colleague who then captures photos & offices of each employee who wants to make a presence
By using this smart presence, attendance & attendance reports can be done and monitored daily, quickly and accurately online
This APK is specifically for accessing through the local intranet network in Kab. Batola, which is the hope that by using this APK, it can optimize the resources of the existing intranet local network
An online presence system that can be done by each employee using a mobile phone Via GPS, QR Code & Capture your photos & offices,
Application Features:
1. Absent & UB / SKJ: This feature is used when employees want to record daily attendance and attendance at UB / SKJ activities,
2. Other Permits: This feature is used for Online Service, Permit, Sick and Leave applications,
3. Report: This feature contains a report on his attendance and other permits that can be reviewed directly using the mobile phone by each employee,
4. Endorsement: This feature is used by employees to conduct Endorsement / Approval / Remainder online using the mobile phones of each employee.
QR CODE: This feature is used for employees who do not have a cellphone, where with this feature the presence can still be done by using a QR Code scan that is done by a colleague who then captures photos & offices of each employee who wants to make a presence
By using this smart presence, attendance & attendance reports can be done and monitored daily, quickly and accurately online
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