Bring time savings and control to finance with a multi-card, expense management platform made for businesses like yours.
- Issue multiple physical or virtual cards to distribute across areas or use as you prefer. They are issued under the Visa flag and accepted internationally.
- Receive notifications and track all transactions via app or Internet Banking. Ensure cash visibility with expense charts and separation by cost centers.
- Make Pix PJ free, keep the main account balance yielding 100% of the CDI and earn cashback on card purchases.
- Create user profiles for collaborators and customize their permissions on the platform. Each manager can be responsible for the cards in his area.
With the Simple Account credit card, you set the limit.
- Transfer from the account balance to the global card limit the amount you want to use in transactions.
- Activate the low threshold alert and receive a notification when the minimum value is reached.
- Increase or redeem the card limit whenever you want.
- Find out where all the cards are registered with the Card Manager.
- Use more than R$1,000 on cards every 30 days and guarantee the account's monthly fee is free.
- Earn cashback on purchases over BRL 25,000 and build credit history in Conta Simples.
Concentrate all corporate expense management in one place and unleash your company's potential. Download the app and open an account now!
- Issue multiple physical or virtual cards to distribute across areas or use as you prefer. They are issued under the Visa flag and accepted internationally.
- Receive notifications and track all transactions via app or Internet Banking. Ensure cash visibility with expense charts and separation by cost centers.
- Make Pix PJ free, keep the main account balance yielding 100% of the CDI and earn cashback on card purchases.
- Create user profiles for collaborators and customize their permissions on the platform. Each manager can be responsible for the cards in his area.
With the Simple Account credit card, you set the limit.
- Transfer from the account balance to the global card limit the amount you want to use in transactions.
- Activate the low threshold alert and receive a notification when the minimum value is reached.
- Increase or redeem the card limit whenever you want.
- Find out where all the cards are registered with the Card Manager.
- Use more than R$1,000 on cards every 30 days and guarantee the account's monthly fee is free.
- Earn cashback on purchases over BRL 25,000 and build credit history in Conta Simples.
Concentrate all corporate expense management in one place and unleash your company's potential. Download the app and open an account now!
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