Find all the content of RTL, the leading private radio station in France, within a new application with completely redesigned ergonomics:
- Quickly access live audio or video
- With one click, return to the start of the show if you missed the start
- Find easily in audio or video replay all the programs of the antenna: Les Grosses Têtes, Laurent Gerra, L'heure du crime, RTL Matin...
- Follow all the RTL news from the editorial staff in real time: news, sport, culture and subscribe to notifications
- Immerse yourself in new podcasts designed by your favorite hosts: A letter from America, The Voices of Crime, Read me a story...
- Discover the exclusive web radios: 100% Big Heads, RTL 100% France, RTL 100% Hits
- Share your favorite shows or podcasts
- Create an account to follow your favorite shows and podcasts, download episodes, pick up your show where you left off, choose the notifications and newsletters you want to receive and set your personalized alarm.
- Listen to us everywhere thanks to Android Auto compatibility
Send us your remarks and comments by writing to us at the following address:
- Quickly access live audio or video
- With one click, return to the start of the show if you missed the start
- Find easily in audio or video replay all the programs of the antenna: Les Grosses Têtes, Laurent Gerra, L'heure du crime, RTL Matin...
- Follow all the RTL news from the editorial staff in real time: news, sport, culture and subscribe to notifications
- Immerse yourself in new podcasts designed by your favorite hosts: A letter from America, The Voices of Crime, Read me a story...
- Discover the exclusive web radios: 100% Big Heads, RTL 100% France, RTL 100% Hits
- Share your favorite shows or podcasts
- Create an account to follow your favorite shows and podcasts, download episodes, pick up your show where you left off, choose the notifications and newsletters you want to receive and set your personalized alarm.
- Listen to us everywhere thanks to Android Auto compatibility
Send us your remarks and comments by writing to us at the following address:
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