✔️ Discover upcoming events on map or search
✔️ Unlock event features with your ticket's barcode number
✔️ Instant rewards: "Check In' by scanning a QR at each venue and spin-to-win free sips, bites, or swag
✔️ Share the Experience: Post photos in app and see what everyone's up to
✔️ Complete the Crawl by checking in to every venue, and get an instant reward worth up to $50 off future tickets or shop items!
✔️ Discover upcoming events on map or search
✔️ Unlock event features with your ticket's barcode number
✔️ Instant rewards: "Check In' by scanning a QR at each venue and spin-to-win free sips, bites, or swag
✔️ Share the Experience: Post photos in app and see what everyone's up to
✔️ Complete the Crawl by checking in to every venue, and get an instant reward worth up to $50 off future tickets or shop items!
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