A kanji quiz game where you guess the original character from the kanji that have been disassembled.
Web media QuizKnock's popular series "Barabara Kanji" app is now available!
◆ Rules
Look at the kanji divided into 9 and guess the original character within 60 seconds.
If it is difficult to solve, use the hint function and unlimited time function.
If you answer the quiz correctly, the kanji will be registered in the picture book.
Aim for completeness.
Web media QuizKnock's popular series "Barabara Kanji" app is now available!
◆ Rules
Look at the kanji divided into 9 and guess the original character within 60 seconds.
If it is difficult to solve, use the hint function and unlimited time function.
If you answer the quiz correctly, the kanji will be registered in the picture book.
Aim for completeness.
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