Mendiko Intxorta Ezagutu borroketan ezazu gertatutakoa, Oroimen ixilarazitako denboraz Historikoa hainbeste berreskuratzeko. Eta 1936 guda elgeta zibilaren 1937ko hoisted kokagunerik zen esanguratsuenetako bat.
App honen bitartez, Memory bisitatzeko Historikoaren Aukera Euskal izango Zentroa Interpretazio duzu, Baita borrokaldi erabilitako hauetan Lubaki, eta babesleku ikusteko kabiak metrallatzaileen ere.
Gainera, audio-giden bitartez, kokalekuz entzuteko kokaleku Aukera Elgetan izango jazotakoak duzu zehaztasunez.
Elgeta Applying Memory, offers a guide through the path you discover the main points of the Battle of Intxortas held in 1936 and 1937 in the Civil War.
Through this application, and interpretation center, will have the opportunity to discover the historic Battle of Intxorta, and discover their trenches, their shelter, and nests of machine guns.
Also through the audio guides can discover that describe the history and tourists immersed in it, which are listed along the way, being able to follow this through the application, signaling each key point in your exact situation thanks to geo.
Application sponsored by the Basque Government, Basque Country Tourism and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. and is in 3 languages, Castilian, and English Euskare.
In this application you can find information about Elgeta tourism and event calendar, or news from the municipality.
Discover the most interesting of Elgueta: Ibilbidea Intxorta River, discovering the Spanish civil war occurred in Elgeta, Guided tours, Maala Plaza, Azkonabieta and front Elgeta, Trenches Franco, primary attack line, parapet Partaitti, shelter the first parapet , lines of trenches, The Belgian, shelter passive Ansuategi bazterrekoa, hermitage of San Salvador, Historypin, Social Networking, Our Lady of Uriarte, Ubera, Anguiozar, Bergara, Elorrio, Mountaineering Federation of Basque Navarra, Donostia, Gipuzkoa, ox Drag , UEMA, Egoetxeaga, Aixola Dam, House Eguzkitza, Barrenengua, Maialde, Iñaki Restaurant, Bar Haizea, Café-Theatre Espaloia, bolatoki, Oilakorta, Monument to the Fallen gudaris, gudari, Guda Zibila, Church of the Assumption of Our Lady , House of the deputation, Limekiln of miravalles, Basque Creating Mountaineering Federation, ruins of the chapel of Uriarte, Altarpiece of Santiago Minor, Plaque in honor of Pablo Uranga, Abridio Tower House. Euskadi, Basque Country, Deba, Urola Elguetarra, Ibur, Ubegui, Anguiozar Ubera and drag stone
App honen bitartez, Memory bisitatzeko Historikoaren Aukera Euskal izango Zentroa Interpretazio duzu, Baita borrokaldi erabilitako hauetan Lubaki, eta babesleku ikusteko kabiak metrallatzaileen ere.
Gainera, audio-giden bitartez, kokalekuz entzuteko kokaleku Aukera Elgetan izango jazotakoak duzu zehaztasunez.
Elgeta Applying Memory, offers a guide through the path you discover the main points of the Battle of Intxortas held in 1936 and 1937 in the Civil War.
Through this application, and interpretation center, will have the opportunity to discover the historic Battle of Intxorta, and discover their trenches, their shelter, and nests of machine guns.
Also through the audio guides can discover that describe the history and tourists immersed in it, which are listed along the way, being able to follow this through the application, signaling each key point in your exact situation thanks to geo.
Application sponsored by the Basque Government, Basque Country Tourism and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. and is in 3 languages, Castilian, and English Euskare.
In this application you can find information about Elgeta tourism and event calendar, or news from the municipality.
Discover the most interesting of Elgueta: Ibilbidea Intxorta River, discovering the Spanish civil war occurred in Elgeta, Guided tours, Maala Plaza, Azkonabieta and front Elgeta, Trenches Franco, primary attack line, parapet Partaitti, shelter the first parapet , lines of trenches, The Belgian, shelter passive Ansuategi bazterrekoa, hermitage of San Salvador, Historypin, Social Networking, Our Lady of Uriarte, Ubera, Anguiozar, Bergara, Elorrio, Mountaineering Federation of Basque Navarra, Donostia, Gipuzkoa, ox Drag , UEMA, Egoetxeaga, Aixola Dam, House Eguzkitza, Barrenengua, Maialde, Iñaki Restaurant, Bar Haizea, Café-Theatre Espaloia, bolatoki, Oilakorta, Monument to the Fallen gudaris, gudari, Guda Zibila, Church of the Assumption of Our Lady , House of the deputation, Limekiln of miravalles, Basque Creating Mountaineering Federation, ruins of the chapel of Uriarte, Altarpiece of Santiago Minor, Plaque in honor of Pablo Uranga, Abridio Tower House. Euskadi, Basque Country, Deba, Urola Elguetarra, Ibur, Ubegui, Anguiozar Ubera and drag stone
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