The application is designed to measure the acoustic spectrum of a beehive using a remote microphone. A probabilistic prediction of the behavior of the bee family in the modes is made:
- honey collection
- swarming
- loss of the queen
- taking a new queen
- varroatosis, wintering.
It is based on the theoretical works of a Russian entomologist, a physiologist dealing with the problems of evolutionary ecology and animal physiology, a doctor of biological sciences, an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor Yevgeny Konstantinovich Eskov.
All conclusions are probabilistic and experimental in nature and are not the basis for any possible claims.
- honey collection
- swarming
- loss of the queen
- taking a new queen
- varroatosis, wintering.
It is based on the theoretical works of a Russian entomologist, a physiologist dealing with the problems of evolutionary ecology and animal physiology, a doctor of biological sciences, an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor Yevgeny Konstantinovich Eskov.
All conclusions are probabilistic and experimental in nature and are not the basis for any possible claims.
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