Green Music Apps
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Are you a self-taught piano player or simply a piano lover? If true, this app is for you.

For self-taught piano learners, the app helps you improve your skills in reading and playing musical notes. Just practice with the app regularly, you will be able to read and play the notes faster after a short period of time.

For piano lovers without any musical background, you can consider this app as a self-study tool in which you play the piano keys by following the prompts shown on the screen. Hints will show you which keys to press, so you can step-by-step play your favorite pieces and learn more about music theory.

*** Function:
- Practice notes with both Sol key and Fa key.
- Musical notes are displayed as sheet music just like in a music book.
- You can practice with the piano keyboard on the app screen or connect your device to a MIDI controller or digital piano.
- Show hints while practicing. You can look at the sheet music or suggestions while you practice, allowing you to learn the piano on your own without much help.
- Practice with music that is loved by piano learners.
- Practice at different tempos and scales.
- Choose a piece of music to practice.
- When you practice playing notes on one key, the notes in other keys are automatically played simultaneously. This makes you feel like you're playing with a band.
- Metronome.
- Add your MIDI, MusicXML or Score Creator (.sc) files to the app for practice.
- Combined with bright key piano for optimal learning effect.

TỰ HỌC PIANO Screenshots