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About DriveSafe

1. Place your phone to a comfortable position targeting to your face inside your vehicle
2. Open the app
3. Click on the "Preview" button and make sure that the app is detecting your face.
4. Go back and click on the animating power button to run sleepiness detection
5. Enjoy Safe Drive!

Other options to consider:
• Eco mode (if clicked while Anti-Sleep is running) put the app in the app background but the Anti-Sleep still continues running.
• If you exit the app by clicking on the back button, Anti-Sleep gets turned off automatically. if you exit by clicking on the "Eco-mode" or home button and even if your phone's screen is off, the Anti-Sleep still continues running
• USB Camera mode is currently in test mode which enables Anti-Sleep detection at night time
• Swipe up the settings drawer to adjust the app to your preferences such as Wake-up sound, Sleep timeout, Flashlight blink while sleepiness detected.

NOTE: The performance of the app such as how fast it detects and reacts to the sleepiness is heavily depends on the performance of the device's hardwares like Camera, CPU and GPU. Therefore, there might be some delays in the app's response according to the device you install the app on. On almost all modern smartphones, the app runs perfectly. But, it is good practice to make sure whether the app is running detection properly before your drive.

Feel free to contact me
if you have any questions or suggestions. We appreciate your support!

Drive Safe and Stay Safe...

DriveSafe Screenshots