This application of linguistic Standardization Bureau of Conceyu of Gijon, designed ta pa Xixón know different llugares of the Travies of n'asturianu llireratura. Quier be a first averamientu this mariñana village to Travies of them histories that n'asturianu writers and they were posing tions obres sos.
The navigation application pela e mui Cenciella; tien a main menu with a rellación of testos pa escoyer. You can lleer the testos and housekeepers see the VideU, we Tán most cases narraos pol author / a. If the end decide to visit the qu'apaecen llugares, you can trace nel iconu direición that you will take the different places we qu'apaecen testos
Tami direutamente can access the map and escoyer what sitiu want lleer and see VideU. L'app will work with QR codes Tamien.
NOTE: encamentamos l 'usu GPS pa a meyor funcionamientu.
The navigation application pela e mui Cenciella; tien a main menu with a rellación of testos pa escoyer. You can lleer the testos and housekeepers see the VideU, we Tán most cases narraos pol author / a. If the end decide to visit the qu'apaecen llugares, you can trace nel iconu direición that you will take the different places we qu'apaecen testos
Tami direutamente can access the map and escoyer what sitiu want lleer and see VideU. L'app will work with QR codes Tamien.
NOTE: encamentamos l 'usu GPS pa a meyor funcionamientu.
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