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Great Indian Browser

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50,000+ downloads

About Great Indian Browser

Great Indian Browser is a complete Swadeshi Indian App - made with love in India. Mitron, this Indian App is developed to make you Atmanirbhar & surely you will fall in love with the smooth browsing experience provided by this Indian Browser App.

Few Super Impressive features of this Indian App are mentioned below -

** Ultra Fast 5G speed browsing only on this Indian App.** Super Light Weight in Size so your phone never lags & your get a complete seamless experience on this indian app
** Experience Super Smooth Video Streaming experience on this Indian Browser App
** Multiple Tabs feature of this indian app lets you execute your Multi Tasking Browsing ability
** One Click History delete enables complete privacy - so you can be assure of complete privacy on this Indian App
** All of Latest news available at 1-Click on the default page of this Indian App
** Quick Links on default browser page enabled you easy access to most of the popular sites exclusively on this indian app.
** Many more & more other features for a complete new browsing experience.
Toh Humare sabhi Bharatiya mitron - Download & start using the truly Indian App - Great Indian Browser!

Great Indian Browser Screenshots