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Konoba Kalalarga

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About Konoba Kalalarga

KONOBA KALALARGA is a well-known location in Makarska, specialized in catering of traditional Dalmatian food.
Here's just the quality preparation of gastronomic delights, making the tavern an indispensable place for anyone who loves good food.
A specialty is the preparation of food based on fresh, seasonal foods that are selected perfectly in a variety of daily menus
and permanent menus; especially fish and meat dishes and pastries are highlighted.

A rich menu is also provided with high-quality refreshments, and friendly and hospitable staff of 12 employees are at your disposal
for all requests for menu selection. Understanding is with all guests from the EU. Possibility to organize business lunches, ceremonies and
up to 80 people. It is in a great location in the center of town, beautiful atmosphere and terrace, wi-fi and cash.
Many satisfied domestic and foreign guests praise the choir's best choice in Makarska.

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