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Biggest Week in Am. Birding

Birds in the Hand, LLC
4.8 out of 5
500+ downloads

About Biggest Week in Am. Birding

The official Biggest Week in American Birding Festival App by BirdsEye brings you all the power of the BirdsEye Birding Finding apps, and the convenience of quick access to the festival website, events and news.

Organized and hosted by Black Swamp Bird Observatory, The 2016 “Biggest Week" is a 10-day festival from May 6-15 featuring some of the best birding North America has to offer. If you are anywhere else in the world in mid-May, you are in the wrong place. Think about it: A 10-day birding event featuring workshops, guided birding activities, half-day birding bus tours, keynote speakers, and more. Among the myriad of events offered during the festival are workshops, Woodcock Extravaganzas to observe the extraordinary displays of these woodland shorebirds, daily walks at the world famous Magee Marsh boardwalk and other area birding hotspots, evening keynote presentations, birding by ear workshops, and presentations on world birding. On top of all of that, birding guru Kenn Kaufman will be teaching several bird identification classes!

Learn more about the festival on the website -

This festival version of BirdsEye provides the following bird finding features:

• See customized lists of birds reported at the best birding spots around the festival!
• Sea seasonal abundance for each bird for that location
• View recent eBird sightings

• See a list of “needs” - species recently reported nearby that aren't on your selected life or year list
• Reports of notable birds in nw Ohio
• Automatically sync your life or year lists with eBird for the ABA area, world, country, state or even county!

• See where your target birds are being reported
• Support for bird names in several languages

The BirdsEye Biggest Week in American Birding Festival App is brought to you in partnership with Kaufman Field Guides and Black Swamp Bird Observatory.

Biggest Week in Am. Birding Screenshots