Weather radar map: waves, rain & hurricane tracker is a perfect weather radar that keeps you informed about all major changes. Check hurricane forecast, snow report or marine traffic and plan your activities smartly.
+ Wind report, forecast and statistics: accurate wind compass, wind map, wind speed meter, wind gusts and wind directions. It’s very useful for extreme wind sports.
+ Storm and hurricane tracker: a map of tropical cyclones (tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons) around the globe.
+ Local forecast from NOAA: temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin, humidity, wind speed, precipitation (rain and snow). Forecast for 10 days with 3 hours step in metric or imperial units: m/s (mps), mph, km/h, knt (knout), bft (beaufort), m, ft, mm, cm, in, hPa, inHg. NOAA is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Weather Service (nws).
+ Wave forecast: ocean or sea conditions, ocean waves and sea swell, fishing forecast
+ Animated wind tracker: weather radar for sailing, yachting and kiting in light wind
+ Beautiful weather widget on home screen
+ Wind alerts: Set up wind/weather alerts and be aware of wind, storm and tornado warning via push-notifications
+ Free nautical charts map: view water depth, ocean tides and currents, buoy data
+ Cloud base/Dew point data: necessary weather information for pleasant paragliding
+ Locations: over 30.000 spots sorted and located by the type and area. Add your spots to favorites.
* Say Hello:
+ We are constantly working hard on making the app better and more useful for you. Please take the time to leave us a nice review; this really will helps us to give the best of what we have.
+ If you have some suggestions, please contact us at
+ Wind report, forecast and statistics: accurate wind compass, wind map, wind speed meter, wind gusts and wind directions. It’s very useful for extreme wind sports.
+ Storm and hurricane tracker: a map of tropical cyclones (tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons) around the globe.
+ Local forecast from NOAA: temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin, humidity, wind speed, precipitation (rain and snow). Forecast for 10 days with 3 hours step in metric or imperial units: m/s (mps), mph, km/h, knt (knout), bft (beaufort), m, ft, mm, cm, in, hPa, inHg. NOAA is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / National Weather Service (nws).
+ Wave forecast: ocean or sea conditions, ocean waves and sea swell, fishing forecast
+ Animated wind tracker: weather radar for sailing, yachting and kiting in light wind
+ Beautiful weather widget on home screen
+ Wind alerts: Set up wind/weather alerts and be aware of wind, storm and tornado warning via push-notifications
+ Free nautical charts map: view water depth, ocean tides and currents, buoy data
+ Cloud base/Dew point data: necessary weather information for pleasant paragliding
+ Locations: over 30.000 spots sorted and located by the type and area. Add your spots to favorites.
* Say Hello:
+ We are constantly working hard on making the app better and more useful for you. Please take the time to leave us a nice review; this really will helps us to give the best of what we have.
+ If you have some suggestions, please contact us at
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