Black - AdFree Incognito Brows icon

Black - AdFree Incognito Brows

3.8 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Black - AdFree Incognito Brows

☆ This is the optimal browser if you want to visit adult websites, dating sites, medical sites, check FB on a friends device, watch a video or anything else without anyone finding out!

☆ Black incognito Android Browser enables you to have a private and anonymous web experience. The incognito mode ensures your browsing history is not recorded. The Black Browser incognito mode keep you anonymous 24/7.


✓ Absolutely no data is saved.
When you exit the app, all data and history is removed. Everything that goes on in the browser is removed when you hit Home, Exit, or Close.

✓ Built-in Adblock
Blocks annoying ads (banner, popups, video ads & interstitial ads)

✓ Multiple Private Tabs
App contains multiple tabs, you can go Incognito in each tab making each tab Private Tab.

✓ Private Browsing Mode
Private Black Browser comes with default private browsing mode. Which makes each visit or search an Incognito Search.

✓ Private Search Widget
Use the incognito search widget for quick access

✓ Browser History
Private web Browser is a secure browser that offers you real private browsing experience without leaving any history, cookies traces, cache, etc..

✓ In-App video support
Click on a video-link and an in-app video player will play the video. Any trace of this is removed when you exit the app.

Black - AdFree Incognito Brows Screenshots