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Is the patient breathing? Check for a pulse. Begin CPR. Shock the patient. Continue CPR. Give Epinephrine. Shock the patient. Continue CPR. Give Amiodorone. Transport to the hospital.
Can you remember the exact time you gave the Epi? This is where Code Log comes in.
Code Log is a logging program that you can use to help remember the exact times that you performed all of the steps in your code. It gives you a chronograph to show how long the code was run. It timestamps your drugs given, events, rhythms and return of pulse. Code Log allows you to email the timestamps using your favorite email application. You can also save the log to your device so that you can look at it later (it will be saved to your root of your SD-Card). It can be used for more than just codes. You can use it to get real times on any call that you run.
This app saves information to your SD-Card so it needs permissions to check to see if you have a card and then to actually save it there. If you find any issues please let me know by email so that I can get them fixed. Thanks.
Is the patient breathing? Check for a pulse. Begin CPR. Shock the patient. Continue CPR. Give Epinephrine. Shock the patient. Continue CPR. Give Amiodorone. Transport to the hospital.
Can you remember the exact time you gave the Epi? This is where Code Log comes in.
Code Log is a logging program that you can use to help remember the exact times that you performed all of the steps in your code. It gives you a chronograph to show how long the code was run. It timestamps your drugs given, events, rhythms and return of pulse. Code Log allows you to email the timestamps using your favorite email application. You can also save the log to your device so that you can look at it later (it will be saved to your root of your SD-Card). It can be used for more than just codes. You can use it to get real times on any call that you run.
This app saves information to your SD-Card so it needs permissions to check to see if you have a card and then to actually save it there. If you find any issues please let me know by email so that I can get them fixed. Thanks.
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