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Beauty Mirror-Mirror App

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About Beauty Mirror-Mirror App

Beauty Mirror- Mirror App is a selfie photo capture application. It allows accessing your phone’s front camera with easy and takes selfie. You can easily take a selfie and save the image to internal storage.
When you take a photo on the Selfie Mirror Camera and image save on your device on a selfie mirror camera save this image on your device. They are many beautiful mirror frames available on this Beauty Mirror.
You can use beautiful mirror frame on your photo by clicking the selfie.
Now you can install this Beauty Mirror – Mirror App application. And start, open an app and go to start then capture your selfie image and save it. And you can also change your selfie mirror frame. Various mirror frames are available in this app you can select any mirror frame then you can apply the theme to your selfie mirror. So you click your photo, and your photo looks more attractive and beautiful.
Have you ever forgotten your makeup mirror at home and needed to check your appearance?
Have you ever wanted to check your teeth, but didn't have a mirror at hand?
Then also you can use this free Mobile Camera Mirror. This is a pocket light mirror and makeup mirror. You can check your attendance anywhere and anytime.
Our user-friendly app makes it easy to mirror any image or selfie, making it perfect for people of all ages. You can use this selfie mirror application when you touch up your makeup and check your appearance.
Smart Beauty Mirror Camera is an amazing selfie mirror. You can easily check your look and check your face makeup anytime anywhere without a hand mirror. Just take your phone and open the selfie mirror camera then see your natural face look.

Main Feature of Selfie Mirror:-
1. It has pocket mirror you can easily use anywhere.
2. It is a very simple app and this app is free.

3. Drag the red seek bar to change screen brightness.
4. Freezing screen for detail view
5. Capture your selfie image and save it.
6. Multiple frames are available.
7. Selfie image save on internal storage device.
8. You can easily control the brightness.
9. You can also take a picture with a Reverse image.
10. Press the Mirror region to show/hide the menu.

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Beauty Mirror-Mirror App Screenshots