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Sticky Notification Blocker

Innovative Apps of India
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About Sticky Notification Blocker

Tired of being bombarded with annoying notifications from your system's apps? Or Frustrated by those persistent sticky notifications that just won't go away, no matter how many times you swipe them? Then it's time for you to upgrade to Block Automated Notification, the perfect sticky notification blocker that empowers you to regain control over your notification bar.

With our innovative block notification features, you'll finally be able to block sticky notifications & customize your notification experience.

Ultimate block sticky notifications benefits:
πŸ”• Take full control of your experience to block persistent and sticky notifications
πŸ”• Customize block notifications preferences, add text and descriptions for specific unwanted sticky notifications
πŸ”• Block sticky notifications that persist even after multiple swipes
πŸ”• Enjoy easy-to-navigate & user-friendly UI/UX for seamless block notification bar management
πŸ”• Block sticky notifications from system apps, which display β€œ...running in the background”
πŸ”• Instantly block automated notifications with a single tap
πŸ”• Minimalistic notification blocker APK size, optimizing battery life and saving power

How to use?
πŸ”• Take in use block sticky notification application πŸ“±
πŸ”• Select application from system’s apps or your apps βœ…
πŸ”• Enable notification blocker for selected application πŸ”˜
πŸ”• Add customization text and description, block specific unwanted persistent notifications πŸ“

Say goodbye to intrusive sticky notifications that constantly hassle your mobile experience. With this ultimate automated notification blocker, effortlessly gain full control on these persistent distractions from the notification bar. Simply follow the above few simple steps, and with just a click, block those sticky notifications that disrupt your focus and peace of mind.

Take charge of your device and enjoy a smoother, interruption-free experience. Download the Hide Notification & Sticky Notification Blocker App now and enjoy a clutter-free and distraction-free mobile experience. Your notifications, your rules.

Sticky Notification Blocker Screenshots