nesip etsin-Торговая площадка icon

nesip etsin-Торговая площадка

Brainmade labs
4.0 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About nesip etsin-Торговая площадка

Nesip etsin programmasy - onlaýn söwda platformasy we bildirişler tagtasydyr.
Nesip etsin - meşhur brend eşikleriň, aýakgaplaryň, sport harytlarynyň, hojalyk harytlarynyň, elektronika we tehnika enjamlarynyň we başga-da 100.000-den gowrak harytlaryň jemlenen söwda platformasydyr.

Onlaýn söwda etmegiň bähbitli we amatly usulydyr. Biziň aýratynlyklarymyz:
• Elýeter bahalar;
• Meşhur markalaryň harytlary;
• Ýurdumyzyň ähli künjeklerine eltip bermek hyzmaty;
• Amatly töleg görnüşleri (nagt, nagt däl we onlaýn töleg);
• Gündelik täze harytlar, aksiýalar we arzanlaşyklar.

Nesip etsin - bu şeýle-de bildirişler tagtasy bolup, onuň kömegi bilen siz ähli harytlaryňyzy satmak ýa-da satyn almak üçin bildirişleriňizi ýerleşdirip bilersiňiz. Bildirişler tagtasynyň aýratynlyklary:
• Ähli bildirişler bölümlere görä amatly ýerleşdirilendir;
• Gurluşyk, santehnika, tehnikalary bejermek, okuw we kurslar we şuňa meňzeş hyzmatlary ýerleşdiriň;
• Iş ornuna degişli bildirişleriňizi hödürläň!
• Öýleri, ofisleri, dükanlary, taýyn biznesleri we şuňa meňzeş emläkleri kärendä beriň ýa-da alyň;
• Bildirişiň eýesi bilen çatlaşmak mümkinçiligi.

Söwda platformamyzda öz internet dükanyňyzy açyň we biziň bilen harytlaryňyzy amatly satyň we täze müşderileri gazanyň!
Biziň bilen onlaýn satmak üçin saýtyň döredilmegine we onuň tehniki hyzmatyna zerurlyk ýok. Programmamyzda dükanyňyzy açmak üçin telefon arkaly ýa-da e-mail arkaly habarlaşyp bilersiňiz: tel: +993 63 31 66 55.
Biziň müňlerçe ulanyjylarymyz programmyzda siziň harytlaryňyzy görüp hem satyn alyp bilerler.

Nesip etsin bilen internet söwdasy örän amatly we bähbitlidir.

Eger programma Play Market-den ýüklenmeýän bolsa şu gök ssylka basyp alyp bilersiňiz -

Teklipleriňiz ýa-da sorag we bellikleriňiz bar bolsa, bize iberiň: Biziň üçin siziň pikirleriňiz örän möhümdir.
Köp sag boluň!

The nesip etsin app is a marketplace and message board.

nesip etsin is a marketplace with more than 100,000 products from brand stores where you can buy clothes, shoes, goods for children, household goods, electronics, appliances and much more.

OUR ADVANTAGES are profitable and convenient purchases in your smartphone, as well as:
• pleasant prices for goods
• authentic goods from well-known brands
• fast delivery to all cities of our country
• flexible form of payment (non-cash, online payment and cash payment)
• new products, promotions and discounts every day

NOTICE BOARD nesip etsin is also a message board with which you can place an ad to buy or sell from hand to hand on almost anything.
All ads are conveniently categorized.
Look for and offer services: construction and renovation, plumbing, equipment repair, training and courses, etc.
Look for job advertisements or find the right employees for you.
Rent and lease: houses, offices, shops, lots, ready-made businesses, etc.

Open your online store on our marketplace and start selling with us at no cost. In order to start selling online, you do not need the cost of creating a website and maintaining it.
Just contact us by phone +993 63 31 66 55 or email us at
Thousands of our active users will be able to see and purchase your products every day.

With nesip etsin, online shopping will become convenient and profitable.

If the application does not download, you can download from the link below

For suggestions, questions or comments, write to us at Your opinion is important to us! Thank!

nesip etsin-Торговая площадка Screenshots