RealTime Weather and Forecast icon

RealTime Weather and Forecast

PTIK Unnes 2013
100+ downloads

About RealTime Weather and Forecast

RealTime Weather and Forecast is an information application about weather and forecast that occur on user current location. RealTime Weather and Forecast app using Weather and Forecast data from

You can see various weather and forecast information that predictable happened now and happens in the next hour forecast, such as the weather temperature, city name, country Id, coordinate of the location, weather description, pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind degree, cloudiness, sunrise time, sunset time, time request and time the forecast.

RealTime Weather and forecast application display current weather depend on user current location and a list of forecast according to the user location.

Every single information about the weather and forecast can be seen in detail about the weather and forecast, you can also share the quake information with your friends.

- User-Friendly
- Get current user location precisely
- Real-Time weather data
- Real-Time forecast data
- Using OpenWeatherMaps weather and forecast data
- Refreshable weather or list of forecast data
- Different icon image for each weather description condition
- Different background image for each weather description condition
- Show the weather temperature
- Show the city name
- Show the country Id
- Show the coordinate of the location
- Show the weather description
- Show the pressure
- Show the humidity
- Show the wind speed
- Show the wind degree
- Show the cloudiness
- Show the sunrise time
- Show the sunset time
- Show the time request
- Show the time of the forecast.
- Beautiful and clear icon and background
- Social Sharing for share the weather or forecast

RealTime Weather and Forecast Screenshots