Application to hire health plans from the best and largest operators and insurers on the market:
- Amy
- Easy Amil
- Bradesco Saúde
- SulAmérica Saúde
- SulAmérica Saúde Direct
- Intermédica / Notredame
- Hapvida
Health plans with outpatient care + hospital care + obstetrics, Infirmary or Apartment accommodation and you can choose to hire with or without co-payment with exclusive differentials and specialized health programs that can be hired through CNPJ (SME and Business health plan).
Download the application and request a quote with complete information such as price list, table of shortages, complete accredited network composed of hospitals and laboratories.
Count on the exclusive differentials and benefits of each operator and insurance company. Download the app and learn more.
Hire your business health plan from 02 or 03 lives (CNPJ holder + 1 or 2 dependents and/or registered employees) through active CNPJ
Request a quote and find out about the conditions with the broker.
The basic coverage of health plans for Rol ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency) procedures are:
- Consultations;
- Exams;
- Outpatient clinical procedures;
- Childbirth
- Urgent/emergency and elective admissions in your region.
Download the application now, request complete quotes and hire your PME Empresarial health plan today.
- Amy
- Easy Amil
- Bradesco Saúde
- SulAmérica Saúde
- SulAmérica Saúde Direct
- Intermédica / Notredame
- Hapvida
Health plans with outpatient care + hospital care + obstetrics, Infirmary or Apartment accommodation and you can choose to hire with or without co-payment with exclusive differentials and specialized health programs that can be hired through CNPJ (SME and Business health plan).
Download the application and request a quote with complete information such as price list, table of shortages, complete accredited network composed of hospitals and laboratories.
Count on the exclusive differentials and benefits of each operator and insurance company. Download the app and learn more.
Hire your business health plan from 02 or 03 lives (CNPJ holder + 1 or 2 dependents and/or registered employees) through active CNPJ
Request a quote and find out about the conditions with the broker.
The basic coverage of health plans for Rol ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency) procedures are:
- Consultations;
- Exams;
- Outpatient clinical procedures;
- Childbirth
- Urgent/emergency and elective admissions in your region.
Download the application now, request complete quotes and hire your PME Empresarial health plan today.
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