Farmácias Contestado was created in União da Vitória in order to bring low prices, good service and quality in their products!
We always care for the well-being of our customers, always delivering specialized and personalized pharmaceutical care to each customer who comes to us!
Next to the pharmacy, we bring CONTESTADO NATURALS AND SUPPLEMENTS, and in it we always seek the freshest products, of proven origin and quality so that we can always have the best products in the region!
Naturais, as we affectionately call it, has the mission of bringing quality of life and a special flavor, valuing the good service and respect for our friend client.
The Contestado team is highly qualified and is always improving!
We always care for the well-being of our customers, always delivering specialized and personalized pharmaceutical care to each customer who comes to us!
Next to the pharmacy, we bring CONTESTADO NATURALS AND SUPPLEMENTS, and in it we always seek the freshest products, of proven origin and quality so that we can always have the best products in the region!
Naturais, as we affectionately call it, has the mission of bringing quality of life and a special flavor, valuing the good service and respect for our friend client.
The Contestado team is highly qualified and is always improving!
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