Japji Sahib - with Audio and T icon

Japji Sahib - with Audio and T

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About Japji Sahib - with Audio and T

About Japji Sahib:
Japji is a prayer at the beginning of the Granth Sahib, considered the holy scripture of sikhs. It was composed by Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sat Guru in the line of ten sikh gurus.

It begins with Mool Mantra and is followed by 38 paudis (stanzas) and ends with a final Salok at the end of this composition. It is the first Bani in Nitnem.

Japji Sahib Language:
Gurmukhi, Hindi, Urdu, Roman Phonetic

Japji Sahib Line by Line Translation:
Punjabi, Hindi, English, Word Meanings in Punjabi

Japji Sahib - with Audio and T Screenshots