Create research papers for schools and colleges quickly. Enter the area of research and application will displays latest news, pictures, videos, scholarly reports, wiki data and related books on Astronomy
Create your own version for school or college submission leveraging the information in a booklet format. Learn from reports submitted by your peers on diverse educational topics solar system, our universe, origin of the universe and any other topic of interest
Application Features
1] Latest news on the topic of interest
2] Best scientific information from experts in the field
3] Scholarly reports from experts in the field
4] Best videos on the topic to have fun while learning
5] Relevant pictures from Nasa
6] Related Books on the subject
7] Save your favorite reports as books
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9] Search any topic of your choice and learn
Create your own version for school or college submission leveraging the information in a booklet format. Learn from reports submitted by your peers on diverse educational topics solar system, our universe, origin of the universe and any other topic of interest
Application Features
1] Latest news on the topic of interest
2] Best scientific information from experts in the field
3] Scholarly reports from experts in the field
4] Best videos on the topic to have fun while learning
5] Relevant pictures from Nasa
6] Related Books on the subject
7] Save your favorite reports as books
8] Share you booklets with friends
9] Search any topic of your choice and learn
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