Open BSM-config application
> Open IP Tool in Engineering Tool application
> Find your device IP in device list
> Login with your MAC address for the first time
> After successful authentication, fill out other required details such as BACnet Device ID,
password, etc
> Once configured successfully, set the base url's i.e url of the server where data has to be sent.
> User can also change it's password from Sentinll IP Tool
This is a utility app for Sentinll project and solely to use with Sentinll Servers only.
> To start the service, select Start from Sentinll IP Tool, make sure both BSM Configuration and BSM-Bubll-Device or BSM-Sentinll-Main is installed and running,
> Once service will start successfully, BSM-Sentinll-Main will start sending data to server,
> User can also choose to stop service from Sentinll IP Tool, which will stop sending data to server.
> If user forgets it's password, user use Master login to reset and login to Sentinll IP Tool
> Reset device from Sentinll IP Tool will erase data or configuration store in the application
> Open IP Tool in Engineering Tool application
> Find your device IP in device list
> Login with your MAC address for the first time
> After successful authentication, fill out other required details such as BACnet Device ID,
password, etc
> Once configured successfully, set the base url's i.e url of the server where data has to be sent.
> User can also change it's password from Sentinll IP Tool
This is a utility app for Sentinll project and solely to use with Sentinll Servers only.
> To start the service, select Start from Sentinll IP Tool, make sure both BSM Configuration and BSM-Bubll-Device or BSM-Sentinll-Main is installed and running,
> Once service will start successfully, BSM-Sentinll-Main will start sending data to server,
> User can also choose to stop service from Sentinll IP Tool, which will stop sending data to server.
> If user forgets it's password, user use Master login to reset and login to Sentinll IP Tool
> Reset device from Sentinll IP Tool will erase data or configuration store in the application
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