💙 A platform for businesspeople 💙
Abaek Forum is a platform for anyone who is a businessman to open a path of mutual growth.
What's your biggest concern?
Perhaps it is one day to promote and sell your own merchandise or yourself. To do this, many businessmen are running to sweat on their feet today!
The power of one businessman can be weak.
But if business people can gather and put their power in one place, I am sure that it will be the best community, shopping mall, and gathering in Korea.
Any businessman who joins this big meaning is welcome.
💙 100x Growth Platform 💙
If you are a Korean businessman, you will have at least 100 minutes of customers and prospects.
All you have to do is invite those 100-minute customers and prospects to the forum.
What if 10,000 businessmen like that?
There are one million customers and prospects in Arbaek Forum.
The power of one businessman can be small.
But when 10,000 businessmen come together, all the businesspeople
Could it grow 100 times, 1000 times, 10,000 times?
💙 Business gathering 💙
Do you attend any of these breakfast meetings today to increase your network?
Now you can make business meetings at Abaek Forum and make connections without time and space constraints.
Let's solve the network of businessmen.
💙 Distressed end 💙
Customers and prospects invited by each businessman to Abaek Forum will buy your products.
Now stop worrying about the dealer, you only need to prepare a class A product.
Representative number: 010-6710-6144
Email: joohyuk09@naver.com
The following permission is required to provide the Arbaek Forum service.
-Camera: This is a permission required for the user to take a picture and upload it to the forum.
-Storage: This is the permission required to upload photos stored on the user's device to Arbaek Forum and to save my photos on the user's device.
-Location Information: This is necessary for recommending for the user to view posts around the user.
-ID read:
-Contact Information: It is the authority required to recommend the Arbaek Forum based on the user's contact information.
* The above permission is required to use certain functions, and you can use Arbaek Forum even if you do not agree.
Abaek Forum is a platform for anyone who is a businessman to open a path of mutual growth.
What's your biggest concern?
Perhaps it is one day to promote and sell your own merchandise or yourself. To do this, many businessmen are running to sweat on their feet today!
The power of one businessman can be weak.
But if business people can gather and put their power in one place, I am sure that it will be the best community, shopping mall, and gathering in Korea.
Any businessman who joins this big meaning is welcome.
💙 100x Growth Platform 💙
If you are a Korean businessman, you will have at least 100 minutes of customers and prospects.
All you have to do is invite those 100-minute customers and prospects to the forum.
What if 10,000 businessmen like that?
There are one million customers and prospects in Arbaek Forum.
The power of one businessman can be small.
But when 10,000 businessmen come together, all the businesspeople
Could it grow 100 times, 1000 times, 10,000 times?
💙 Business gathering 💙
Do you attend any of these breakfast meetings today to increase your network?
Now you can make business meetings at Abaek Forum and make connections without time and space constraints.
Let's solve the network of businessmen.
💙 Distressed end 💙
Customers and prospects invited by each businessman to Abaek Forum will buy your products.
Now stop worrying about the dealer, you only need to prepare a class A product.
Representative number: 010-6710-6144
Email: joohyuk09@naver.com
The following permission is required to provide the Arbaek Forum service.
-Camera: This is a permission required for the user to take a picture and upload it to the forum.
-Storage: This is the permission required to upload photos stored on the user's device to Arbaek Forum and to save my photos on the user's device.
-Location Information: This is necessary for recommending for the user to view posts around the user.
-ID read:
-Contact Information: It is the authority required to recommend the Arbaek Forum based on the user's contact information.
* The above permission is required to use certain functions, and you can use Arbaek Forum even if you do not agree.
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