Ready for MI Exam is a complete test / exam practice application for MI students (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) that is in accordance with the latest curriculum. Complete thematic questions per sub-theme with answer keys, suitable for student learning who will face daily tests, PTS, PAS, or PAT.
This application is designed as simple and light as possible, so it is very easy to use and does not burden storage. Ready for Exams MI is equipped with a scoring system, so students can measure their readiness to face real tests at school.
Happy learning with MI Ready for Exams, hopefully it will be useful and always Ready for Exams!
This application is designed as simple and light as possible, so it is very easy to use and does not burden storage. Ready for Exams MI is equipped with a scoring system, so students can measure their readiness to face real tests at school.
Happy learning with MI Ready for Exams, hopefully it will be useful and always Ready for Exams!
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