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Pebbles Academy

Bull.B Technology Limited
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About Pebbles Academy

Pebbles is affiliated with St. Catherine’s International Kindergarten and Nursery, which has been educating and nurturing children for over 50 years. We understand the needs of children at every stage of their early development and specialise in helping children unlock their full potential. We are well-positioned to equip young learners for the challenges of tomorrow.

Pebbles guides young steps to success.

With our spacious 12,000 square feet facility in Kowloon, Pebbles offers a comprehensive one-stop learning zone for 1 - 6 year olds. Our proprietary curriculum stimulates cognitive, creative, sensory and physical development.

At the heart of our educational philosophy is a child-centred curriculum, delivered by accomplished and caring education professionals, whose goal is not only to support early cognitive development, but to build children’s confidence and independence in a classroom setting. This leads to a seamless transition to further education.

A strong parent-child-teacher relationship is key to ensuring long-term educational achievement. Pebbles programmes feature age appropriate strategies and play-based learning that fully involves parents in a safe and stimulating environment that supports and inspires a lifelong love of learning.

Backed by over 50 years of nurturing academic excellence, Pebbles provides the stepping stones to educational and personal achievement.

Pebbles Academy 通過手機應用程式及網上平台,在校園建立一個嶄新溝通橋樑,連繫學校、家長、教師和學生。

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