Your guide to consult PIS PASEP 2023 balance and calendar.
Get to know the PIS 2023 Calendar. Payment of Salary Bonus
Find out when the PIS base year 2021 will be paid
Do you want to know how much salary allowance you are entitled to and how you can claim it?
Do you know how to receive the amount you are entitled to?
What you will get in this App:
How to consult PIS 2023 by CPF on the internet [Step by Step].
It is possible to consult PIS by CPF in different ways when accessing official government websites or applications. Therefore, check out step by step how to locate your record in the following channels:
PIS/PASEP 2023 Calendar
The new PIS/Pasep 2023 payment schedule was approved by the Deliberative Council of the Workers' Support Fund (Codefat).
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- Consult PIS e Abono Salarial is not an official application
- We do not collect any of your personal data.
- All information comes from reliable sources and services. The application has no intention of impersonating any OFFICIAL BODY and makes fair use of public information available through the Transparency Portal of the Federal Government as provided for in DECREE No. 8777, OF MAY 11, 2016
For more information about PIS and Salary Bonus, contact the OFFICIAL BODY.
Information sources:
Get to know the PIS 2023 Calendar. Payment of Salary Bonus
Find out when the PIS base year 2021 will be paid
Do you want to know how much salary allowance you are entitled to and how you can claim it?
Do you know how to receive the amount you are entitled to?
What you will get in this App:
Check PIS
How to consult PIS 2023 by CPF on the internet [Step by Step].
It is possible to consult PIS by CPF in different ways when accessing official government websites or applications. Therefore, check out step by step how to locate your record in the following channels:
My INSS Portal
Caixa Worker App
CNIS Portal
Digital Work Card App
PIS 2023 Calendar
PIS/PASEP 2023 Calendar
The new PIS/Pasep 2023 payment schedule was approved by the Deliberative Council of the Workers' Support Fund (Codefat).
PIS 2023 Calendar. Payment of Salary Bonus
Pasep 2023 Calendar.
Amount of salary allowance 2023.
The value of PIS/Pasep is up to a minimum wage, depending on how many months were worked in the year 2021. activity throughout the year will receive R$ 1,212, while those who received less time will receive proportional✅
PIS and Salary Bonus Guide
What is PIS
How does the PIS 2023 calendar work?
Differences between PIS and PASEP
What is the value of the PIS 2023 benefit?
How do I receive PIS 2023?
How to know if I am entitled to PIS.
Are PIS quotas and Salary Bonus the same thing?
When does the next Salary Bonus Payment Calendar start?
What service channels does the Ministry of Labor and Social Security make available to the worker?
What is the Salary Allowance
What is the value of the Salary Allowance?
Who is entitled to Salary Allowance?
************************************************** *****************
- Consult PIS e Abono Salarial is not an official application
- We do not collect any of your personal data.
- All information comes from reliable sources and services. The application has no intention of impersonating any OFFICIAL BODY and makes fair use of public information available through the Transparency Portal of the Federal Government as provided for in DECREE No. 8777, OF MAY 11, 2016
For more information about PIS and Salary Bonus, contact the OFFICIAL BODY.
Information sources:
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