VOCA Elementary Vocabulary English: 30 days completed English vocabulary
Meet a wordbook that is easy to learn basic English words with a simple and simple design. You can end it by 30 days.
Separate words you know and words you do not know.
- At the end of a unit, you can check the score.
Only words you do not know can be learned again.
- If you study repeatedly, you can memorize all words.
Take advantage of bookmarking.
- Add any words that are difficult or difficult to memorize. I can collect it at any time.
Press the Listen button to follow the correct pronunciation.
- It is much more effective to memorize while reading a word.
Challenge all units to 100%!
[Developer email]
Meet a wordbook that is easy to learn basic English words with a simple and simple design. You can end it by 30 days.
Separate words you know and words you do not know.
- At the end of a unit, you can check the score.
Only words you do not know can be learned again.
- If you study repeatedly, you can memorize all words.
Take advantage of bookmarking.
- Add any words that are difficult or difficult to memorize. I can collect it at any time.
Press the Listen button to follow the correct pronunciation.
- It is much more effective to memorize while reading a word.
Challenge all units to 100%!
[Developer email]
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