The development of the sustainability calculator is part of the doctoral thesis of academic Luiz Alves Feitosa Filho, with the title: Sustainability calculator for the evaluation of organic family production units (UPFO), study aims to: Develop an application to calculate sustainability of organic family production units in southwestern Paraná.
The app uses the Sustainable Rural Development Assessment Methodology - MADERUS developed by hein (2019), according to the author, the methodology aims to measure the sustainability of rural development in a multidimensional and interdisciplinary way, and from the assessment and diagnosis , encourage practical actions to improve sustainability in family farming.
The investigation took place in the municipalities of Ampére, Bela Vista da Caroba, Capanema, Pérola d'Oeste, Planalto, Pranchita, Realeza and Santa Izabel do Oeste, in the members of the association for the promotion of organic production (AFAFO), Located Realeza - PR , currently made up of 34 partners.
Doctorate at the State University of Western Paraná UNIOESTE of the Stricto sensu Postgraduate Program in Sustainable Rural Development, Concentration Area “Sustainable Rural Development”.
The study follows the supervision of PhD professors:
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arlindo Fabricio Correia
Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. André Fernando Hein
The app uses the Sustainable Rural Development Assessment Methodology - MADERUS developed by hein (2019), according to the author, the methodology aims to measure the sustainability of rural development in a multidimensional and interdisciplinary way, and from the assessment and diagnosis , encourage practical actions to improve sustainability in family farming.
The investigation took place in the municipalities of Ampére, Bela Vista da Caroba, Capanema, Pérola d'Oeste, Planalto, Pranchita, Realeza and Santa Izabel do Oeste, in the members of the association for the promotion of organic production (AFAFO), Located Realeza - PR , currently made up of 34 partners.
Doctorate at the State University of Western Paraná UNIOESTE of the Stricto sensu Postgraduate Program in Sustainable Rural Development, Concentration Area “Sustainable Rural Development”.
The study follows the supervision of PhD professors:
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arlindo Fabricio Correia
Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. André Fernando Hein
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