This app receives your birthdate and calculates you a lot like
- Your age
- the day of your birth
- Your month of birth
The rest of how long will be on your next birthday
Hijri date of birth
Hijri month of birth
- Your age in Hijri
- Your age in various forms such as months, weeks, days, hours, etc.
- Your birthday in the next five years
- What is your sign and its attributes
The chapter you were born in
- Your age
- the day of your birth
- Your month of birth
The rest of how long will be on your next birthday
Hijri date of birth
Hijri month of birth
- Your age in Hijri
- Your age in various forms such as months, weeks, days, hours, etc.
- Your birthday in the next five years
- What is your sign and its attributes
The chapter you were born in
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