"Calvo and Sales Associates" is our application for pre-sale and direct sales. It operates together with our ERP management system.
VERY IMPORTANT: In order to provide you with a setting number to evaluate the application and facilitate the specification of its interface, you must contact us at ventas@calvoyasociados.com.ar
The system allows viewing the list of clients according to the order of visit. It allows receiving routes (which are configured from the ERP management system of Calvo y Asociados) for every day of the week and choosing the one we want to travel. In turn we can visit clients outside the route.
The list of clients can be seen by name or by address and within the options we can see the additional data that we need such as telephone, cuit number, category, etc.
Items can be located both by item number and description. This allows us to handle thousands of products without difficulty. We can see the stock of the warehouse in the case of pre-sale or of the truck in self-sale, the price per unit and per pack. When selecting it, it will ask us for the quantity and if we have configured the discounts we can assign a % for it.
Items can be delivered free of charge, promotions, merchandise changes and control of returnable containers.
Among the features available, we highlight:
- Current account balance of customers. Limits can be set
- Allows you to select the payment condition (cash, 60-day cash, etc..)
- Work with different price lists, automatically assigned by the management system or chosen by the seller
- View the customer's previous purchase
- Know how much money the customer has been buying
- Sales targets: allows me to view the total sold on the day (in money, in packages, converted packages, in a defined unit of measure).
From the management system, a monthly amount to be sold per customer can be assigned, and then in each visit it tells us how much should be sold. At the end of the tour, he tells us how it went.
- Manages promotions, loans, non-buyer clients, brand coverage.
- Send messages attached to the order, for administration (they are displayed in the management system) and for the delivery person (they appear on the printed in the invoice observations)
- Make payments
- Visualize sales targets for pop and cold equipment
- A section of featured products where new products or products with a date close to expiration can go.
- Assign % of discounts for the items that we configure from the management system, in turn we can grant limits for them.
- Supports taking surveys.
- Records the reasons for not purchasing, which can be uploaded from the management system.
The start and end date and time of each operation is recorded, and it is reported to the management system for subsequent statistical listings.
VERY IMPORTANT: In order to provide you with a setting number to evaluate the application and facilitate the specification of its interface, you must contact us at ventas@calvoyasociados.com.ar
The system allows viewing the list of clients according to the order of visit. It allows receiving routes (which are configured from the ERP management system of Calvo y Asociados) for every day of the week and choosing the one we want to travel. In turn we can visit clients outside the route.
The list of clients can be seen by name or by address and within the options we can see the additional data that we need such as telephone, cuit number, category, etc.
Items can be located both by item number and description. This allows us to handle thousands of products without difficulty. We can see the stock of the warehouse in the case of pre-sale or of the truck in self-sale, the price per unit and per pack. When selecting it, it will ask us for the quantity and if we have configured the discounts we can assign a % for it.
Items can be delivered free of charge, promotions, merchandise changes and control of returnable containers.
Among the features available, we highlight:
- Current account balance of customers. Limits can be set
- Allows you to select the payment condition (cash, 60-day cash, etc..)
- Work with different price lists, automatically assigned by the management system or chosen by the seller
- View the customer's previous purchase
- Know how much money the customer has been buying
- Sales targets: allows me to view the total sold on the day (in money, in packages, converted packages, in a defined unit of measure).
From the management system, a monthly amount to be sold per customer can be assigned, and then in each visit it tells us how much should be sold. At the end of the tour, he tells us how it went.
- Manages promotions, loans, non-buyer clients, brand coverage.
- Send messages attached to the order, for administration (they are displayed in the management system) and for the delivery person (they appear on the printed in the invoice observations)
- Make payments
- Visualize sales targets for pop and cold equipment
- A section of featured products where new products or products with a date close to expiration can go.
- Assign % of discounts for the items that we configure from the management system, in turn we can grant limits for them.
- Supports taking surveys.
- Records the reasons for not purchasing, which can be uploaded from the management system.
The start and end date and time of each operation is recorded, and it is reported to the management system for subsequent statistical listings.
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