How to Buy / Top Up Electricity Tokens Online
How to fill in electricity tokens online?
This question is often asked by ordinary customers.
Quoting the official website of the State Electricity Company (PLN), an electricity token is a 20-digit number that is entered into a prepaid meter when filling in an electricity token. Usually these 20 digit numbers can be seen on the electricity Prepaid Meter (MPB).
The MPB screen will present a number of important information for how to fill in electricity tokens that customers can immediately know and read regarding their electricity usage, such as:
- Information on the amount of electrical energy (kWH) entered.
- The amount of electrical energy (kWH) that has been used so far
- The amount of electrical energy being used at this time (real time).
- The remaining amount of electricity token energy.
The kWh supply can be added however much and at any time according to the needs and desires of the customer. If the electricity token energy stored in the MPB is almost used up, then the MPB will give an initial signal so that you can immediately fill in the electricity pulses.
Thus, customers can know exactly and in real time the use of electricity tokens at home at any time and at any time. Customers can also optimize consumption of electricity tokens by setting their own schedule and the amount of purchasing electricity tokens.
The value of rechargeable electricity sold at ATMs or Payment Points which can be used as a guide for how to top up electricity pulses is:
- IDR 20,000,
- IDR 50,000,
- IDR 100,000,
- IDR 250,000,
- IDR 500,000,
- IDR 1 million.
People who have used the electricity meter token filling method with the prepaid method can pay in several ways.
This application contains a guide on how to fill in electricity tokens online.
Hopefully helpful, and thank you. :)
How to fill in electricity tokens online?
This question is often asked by ordinary customers.
Quoting the official website of the State Electricity Company (PLN), an electricity token is a 20-digit number that is entered into a prepaid meter when filling in an electricity token. Usually these 20 digit numbers can be seen on the electricity Prepaid Meter (MPB).
The MPB screen will present a number of important information for how to fill in electricity tokens that customers can immediately know and read regarding their electricity usage, such as:
- Information on the amount of electrical energy (kWH) entered.
- The amount of electrical energy (kWH) that has been used so far
- The amount of electrical energy being used at this time (real time).
- The remaining amount of electricity token energy.
The kWh supply can be added however much and at any time according to the needs and desires of the customer. If the electricity token energy stored in the MPB is almost used up, then the MPB will give an initial signal so that you can immediately fill in the electricity pulses.
Thus, customers can know exactly and in real time the use of electricity tokens at home at any time and at any time. Customers can also optimize consumption of electricity tokens by setting their own schedule and the amount of purchasing electricity tokens.
The value of rechargeable electricity sold at ATMs or Payment Points which can be used as a guide for how to top up electricity pulses is:
- IDR 20,000,
- IDR 50,000,
- IDR 100,000,
- IDR 250,000,
- IDR 500,000,
- IDR 1 million.
People who have used the electricity meter token filling method with the prepaid method can pay in several ways.
This application contains a guide on how to fill in electricity tokens online.
Hopefully helpful, and thank you. :)
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