What is HAi!CO?
HAi!CO is a lead loyalty program app for any small businesses.
HAi!CO App offers platform as a service (PaaS) for different brands and memberships. You can now find rewards from all your favourite stores all in one location (anytime, anywhere).
How is HAi!CO help your business?
❗ Allow you to know your customer in a simple and easy way.
❗ Allow you to engage with your customers by setting up promotion and notification to reach them.
❗ Allow you to reward your customer easily.
❗ Allow you to give our e-vouchers to customer to encourage more spending.
❗ Allow you to launch your very own cash wallet for your brand.
❗ Allow you to advertise your brand by using referral feature in app.
How HAi!CO is different from others?
HAi!CO is a community, where customers and merchants can enjoy mutual benefits by joining this platform. We believe in the power of unity and promote sharing of goods and benefits among the community, bringing more excitement, surprises, and joy to our community. Our aim is to have an ecosystem for everyone to work together to boost business in a faster, better and efficient way.
We care about our partners, our users, and our community.
How to join as a Partner?
Free to Join: www.partner.haiico.com/signup-free
Website: www.haiico.com
HAi!CO is a lead loyalty program app for any small businesses.
HAi!CO App offers platform as a service (PaaS) for different brands and memberships. You can now find rewards from all your favourite stores all in one location (anytime, anywhere).
How is HAi!CO help your business?
❗ Allow you to know your customer in a simple and easy way.
❗ Allow you to engage with your customers by setting up promotion and notification to reach them.
❗ Allow you to reward your customer easily.
❗ Allow you to give our e-vouchers to customer to encourage more spending.
❗ Allow you to launch your very own cash wallet for your brand.
❗ Allow you to advertise your brand by using referral feature in app.
How HAi!CO is different from others?
HAi!CO is a community, where customers and merchants can enjoy mutual benefits by joining this platform. We believe in the power of unity and promote sharing of goods and benefits among the community, bringing more excitement, surprises, and joy to our community. Our aim is to have an ecosystem for everyone to work together to boost business in a faster, better and efficient way.
We care about our partners, our users, and our community.
How to join as a Partner?
Free to Join: www.partner.haiico.com/signup-free
Website: www.haiico.com
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