The brand new HVAC Equipment Locator is a revolutionary Android application that lets you track, share, and customize your equipment nameplate and maintenance data.
1. Track all of your equipment location, nameplate, and maintenance data along with photos and spec sheets
2. Share all of this data with other authorized users including those using iOS devices.
3. Customize the app input screens so you can store and view the exact data about building, equipment, or maintenance events. Perfect for performing commissioning and other specialized activities.
Think about it. If your client calls two HVAC companies - with everything else comparable - which one will get the job? The one that has immediate information and shows project details face-to-face with the client - or the one that says “I'll have to get back to you”? Of course, the business that delivers immediate results and creates trust and transparency in the process!
Some of the features include:
1. Create and input building information and attach related photos
2. Add an unlimited number of equipment to each building and input information about the equipment along with photos and spec sheets
3. Add maintenance event information to the equipment
4. Store the GPS coordinates of the equipment so you can tell which equipment is closest to you at any moment
5. Sort buildings, equipment, and maintenance events so as to quickly retrieve the desired information
6. Completely customize the building, equipment, and maintenance input screens so you can enter and store the exact data you are interested in
7. Auto-synchronize all of your data in the background so you can view it on the web and share with other authorized users
8. Share all of your data across all of your Android and iOS devices
9. Sign in to the web portal and manage all the buildings, equipment, and maintenance events and also assign them to other authorized users
10. Allow your clients limited access to view information about the equipment that was serviced
11. Manage an unlimited # of buildings and equipment and keep all the details in one place
12. Save time by using existing buildings or equipment as templates to start new ones
13. and much more .....
1. Track all of your equipment location, nameplate, and maintenance data along with photos and spec sheets
2. Share all of this data with other authorized users including those using iOS devices.
3. Customize the app input screens so you can store and view the exact data about building, equipment, or maintenance events. Perfect for performing commissioning and other specialized activities.
Think about it. If your client calls two HVAC companies - with everything else comparable - which one will get the job? The one that has immediate information and shows project details face-to-face with the client - or the one that says “I'll have to get back to you”? Of course, the business that delivers immediate results and creates trust and transparency in the process!
Some of the features include:
1. Create and input building information and attach related photos
2. Add an unlimited number of equipment to each building and input information about the equipment along with photos and spec sheets
3. Add maintenance event information to the equipment
4. Store the GPS coordinates of the equipment so you can tell which equipment is closest to you at any moment
5. Sort buildings, equipment, and maintenance events so as to quickly retrieve the desired information
6. Completely customize the building, equipment, and maintenance input screens so you can enter and store the exact data you are interested in
7. Auto-synchronize all of your data in the background so you can view it on the web and share with other authorized users
8. Share all of your data across all of your Android and iOS devices
9. Sign in to the web portal and manage all the buildings, equipment, and maintenance events and also assign them to other authorized users
10. Allow your clients limited access to view information about the equipment that was serviced
11. Manage an unlimited # of buildings and equipment and keep all the details in one place
12. Save time by using existing buildings or equipment as templates to start new ones
13. and much more .....
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