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Tarjeta Mi Carrefour

Banco de Servicios Financieros S.A.
4.5 out of 5
1,000,000+ downloads

About Tarjeta Mi Carrefour

With the Mi Carrefour Card App, access all your information in the fastest and safest way from your cell phone.

Too easy! If you still do not enjoy the benefits of the Mi Carrefour Credit Card or Prepaid Mastercard, you can request it 100% online from the app!
If you already have a product, you just have to download the application on your cell phone and access with your ID, username and password, to access all your information and all the benefits available to you!

In addition, with the Mi Carrefour Card App you will be able to:

- Access your account data easily.
- See the date of your last payments, consumption and movements.
- View and download your last 12 account statements.
- Know your closing and expiration dates.
- Share all promotions by WhatsApp.
- Know quickly and clearly your expenses, limits and available.
- Receive notifications about promotions, discounts and expiration notices of your Card summary.
- See the status of installments of your Loans and maturities.
- Communicate quickly by phone, chat, mail or via the web with our Customer Service Center.
- Update your personal data: cell phone, mail and profile picture.
- Modify your profile photo.
- Request a turn for a representative to communicate as soon as possible.
- Request your My Carrefour benefit online
- Pay the summary of your Mi Carrefour Credit Card, recharge your Mi Carrefour Prepaid Card, or the installment of your Loan from your cell phone.
- Know your savings buying in Carrefour

Enjoy all the benefits that the Mi Carrefour Card has for you!

Download the app, complete the registration, validate your data and enjoy having all the information in one place.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the App, contact us via email at soporteapp@bancodeserviciosfinancieros.com.ar

Tarjeta Mi Carrefour Screenshots