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Carrom Board Online Game

Ludo Game Master
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About Carrom Board Online Game

Carrom Board Online Game gives you the experience of playing with a real carrom board on your android devices.

You can play against the smart computer (with difficulty levels easy, medium, or hard) and with your friends in online private rooms or on the same device.

You can also play against real players from all over the world in online live matches.

Carrom game is a strike and pocket game similar to billiards, snooker or 8 ball pool. Here in carrom (also known as karrom or carom) you will use the striker to shoot the pucks into pockets on board.

It is a free-to-play classic carrom board game contains the play-modes of classic carrom, free style carrom and carrom pool . You get to choose the mode you like and play in this Carrom Meta. Besides, you can play around the world in glorious arena in this pool game!

CLASSIC CARROM:Everyone must shoot the ball of their chosen color into the hole, and then they chase the red ball, also known as the "Queen", hitting the Queen and the last ball in succession will win real carrom.

CARROM DISC POOL :In this mode, you must set the correct angle. Then shoot the ball into the pocket. Without the queen ball, you can win by hitting all the balls into the pocket.

FREESTYLE CARROM:Points system, regardless of black and white, hits the black ball +10, hits the white ball +20, hits the red ball queen +50 in this freestyle carrom, the person with the highest score wins.

Carom board has long been played throughout India and South East Asia but the game has become increasingly popular throughout much of the rest of the world board game during the last century in carrom board royal. It is played between family members and friends, with the intense play mode and catchy rules, players of all ages are fascinated about it.

You need to look no further than this carrom board game for hours of non-stop enjoyment on your phone! Install Carrom Board Online Game and play everyone's favourite childhood disc pool game. Take a quick break from work and play a quick game of Karambol whenever you feel the need or some fun.

Don’t wait any longer and dive into the exciting world of this carrom board game called Carrom Fun!

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