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Adventures of a Soldier

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About Adventures of a Soldier

Authored by Edward Costello, Adventures of a Soldier is available now in the digital e-book PDF format.

For little over the span of two decades, Napoleon’s budding French Empire vied for hegemony across Western Europe, contending with ambitious nations wishing to quell the newly founded Republic in fear of monarchial anarchy. The only thing, however that brought Napoleon to his knees were the forces of Great Britain and her powerful battle hardened navy built upon centuries of conquest. By 1815 peace had been restored, French hegemony had been neutralized, and Napoleon was sentenced to a lifetime in exile. From his gilded cage on St. Helena, the once great Napoleon would reveal that it was not Trafalgar nor Waterloo that stopped him but rather the 'Spanish Ulcer' that cost him his empire. The backbone of that ulcer was Lord Wellington's fighting unit stationed at the peninsula. At times, Wellington would describe them as the 'scum of the earth', but in reality he knew them to be the most fearsome fighting force in the whole of Europe, if not the world at the time, the top detachment in the ulcer was known as the “95th Rifles”.

Born in Ireland, Edward Costello enlisted into his local militia regiment as a private in 1806 and rose through the ranks to become an officer in the British Legion and eventually, earned his commission in the 95th Rifle Brigade. Considered a greenhorn, he was excluded from Sir John Moore’s 1808-1809 tour. He did though recollect stories of his comrades who did, including Tom Plunket who gained fame for assassinating the French General Charles Guliere Colbert.

His service in the Peninsular campaign, began abruptly with the epic forced march towards Talavera under the command of General “Black Bob” Crawford, a fierce disciplinarian, but well-liked and respected by his men as Costello points out. Numerous skirmishes, affairs of outposts and combats composes Costello’s narrative, along with amusing detours of his comrades and their jests, ravenous drinking and occasionally their unconventional punishment by the infamous nine tailed lash. Witnessing firsthand the battles of Fuentes d’Oñoro, El Bodon, Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle and the storming of Cuidad Roderigo and bloody Badajoz, Costello entails the mood of the men and the hellish-like atmosphere of a battle as well as the sorrow of fallen comrades.

Following a breather in active service Costello once more engages with the French during the Waterloo campaign, and is heavily engaged at Waterloo and Quatre Bras. After the fall of Napoleon Costello’s career takes a turn towards the British Legion, which is no walk in the park despite his promotion to Lieutenant as he is immediately dispatched to join the Spanish Peacekeeping Expedition and witness the vicious civil war ravaging the country, with gruesome scenes rekindling his memories of the past campaign. Costello is once again reminded of the savagery of men torn in war between the Guerillas and how similar the brutish traits they share with the French many years before.

A fine read among many other memoirs written by the men and officers of the famed Rifle brigade during their duty tours in the Peninsular war. Costello writes with verve and wit as well as some idiosyncratic spelling, often only alluded in the works of fellow officers of his 95th Rifle Regiment such as Kincaid.

A justly acclaimed classic.

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