Informatica Stech Ltda
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Connect to the network of solutions and services
most innovative automotive in Chile.
Through your location you will connect with the
closest providers for the solution that
you need Available services such as: alignment,
balancing, spark plug cleaning, car wash and tapestry,
damping, oil changes, maintenance,
paint and unbolt, scanner, brakes, vulca,
tires, tires, glasses, mirrors, battery,
injectors, spare parts, DPF filter, keys, audio,
Tunning, crane, pre-purchase inspections and others
automotive services to which you can
access in a dynamic way through schedule the
necessary services optimizing your time and
Programming of your day.
Request a service and you will see who is the closest
That can do the job you need. Do the
track where the person comes from or where he is
located the workshop that will be waiting for you. Further,
you can pay for services through the same APP

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